
Need Assistance Acquiring a Liquor License?

Contact Neptune Township, NJ’s Stone Mandia LLC

Whether you’re attempting to acquire a liquor license for the first time, need help renewing your current one or have received a notice of violation, you’ll get the legal assistance you need with Stone Mandia LLC. Our attorneys have extensive experience assisting businesses and organizations with all aspects of alcoholic beverage licensing. We can guide you through the process and handle any violations or transaction issues that may crop up!

Learn more about our alcoholic beverage control services by calling Stone Mandia LLC at 732-774-0800 or 732-531-4300.

We can help you acquire liquor licenses of all types

No matter what kind of operation you’re running, you can count on the team at Stone Mandia LLC to help you acquire the appropriate licenses and navigate any questions or issues that may arise regarding your current license or operations. Our legal team has more than 50 years of combined experience handling liquor licensing and license violations. You can come to us to for help obtaining licensing for:

On Site Consumption
Club Licenses

Jump-start the application process by contacting Stone Mandia LLC today.